Soluciones Big Data
para tu empresa
Convierte a tu empresa en una
empresa enfocada a los datos

Data is one of the main assets that companies have today, distributed in different ways and places. It can be from the information of an eCommerce database, ERP, the images of an application, the log of a machine, the logs of a web project, … There can be large volume data sources, without structure and different formats. Furthermore, we may be interested in crossing them under the same prism to obtain more relevant information.
With Big Data we refer to the use of solutions and tools to be able to obtain from all this information answers to our business, scientific projects or other purposes.
A Big Data project will involve the capture of a lot of data, storage, processing and analysis, to finally use it in one way or another. For this, with Amazon Web Services we will have the necessary tools and services that allow us to develop projects with the required cost, speed and security.
Data is one of the main assets that companies have today, distributed in different ways and places. It can be from the information of an eCommerce database, ERP, the images of an application, the log of a machine, the logs of a web project, … There can be large volume data sources, without structure and different formats. Furthermore, we may be interested in crossing them under the same prism to obtain more relevant information.
With Big Data we refer to the use of solutions and tools to be able to obtain from all this information answers to our business, scientific projects or other purposes.
A Big Data project will involve the capture of a lot of data, storage, processing and analysis, to finally use it in one way or another. For this, with Amazon Web Services we will have the necessary tools and services that allow us to develop projects with the required cost, speed and security.
Deploy your Big Data strategy in order to centralize all the information of your company in a data lake to be able to analyze it and get answers. No matter the format of this information, the tools can be transformed and crossed to obtain data sources prepared for exploration and analysis.
The main advantages of a Big Data solution in the Amazon AWS cloud:
Enjoy the economical storage that the large volume of data that a Big Data project requires. Save implementation costs and pay for the use of the different services that your project may require.
It has all the necessary services for Big Data projects that will allow you to efficiently solve all the processing of this type of project.
Provide solutions for all kinds of problems and workloads.
Security is AWS‘s top priority, having the best solutions and certifications.
Companies are refining their strategy to leverage the data they can collect and use new techniques that were previously unfeasible to get answers. Applications are unlimited, but we list some Big Data applications:
Exploit data in ERP and company management systems.
Analyze the logs of websites to obtain information on traffic, resources, loads, etc.
Exploit eCommerce information, visits, sales, products and other indicators to make business decisions.
Internet of things (IoT)
Analysis solutions with visualization, exploration and aggregation tools. Of any type of business.
Analysis and exploration of scientific projects.
Collection and analysis of real-time information from mobile services. For advertising and interaction with the service
It transports all the information of the processes and machines to make analyzes with a large volume of data and to be able to optimize finding answers
Amazon AWS has all the services and functionalities necessary to solve Big Data projects. With the use and orchestration a solution is created that optimizes the project and allows reaching the desired result through the shortest path. As specialists we will study the project and propose the best solution for each project, selecting the services and tools that allow us to obtain the optimal result.
We are specialists in solutions that will accelerate and provide tools in Big Data projects. We will study the best way to optimize each project.
Explain to us which is your Big Data project, we will propose you how to get the answers you are looking for using AWS services and tools